He had carried on an ancient tradition in his leather shop in Villanova, in the historic center of Cagliari . Antonello Mattana, a historic craftsman with a workshop in via Eleonora d'Arborea, has died at the age of 75. His specialty: repairing suitcases.

His memory is entrusted to the words of the founder of the Strada Facendo traders' association, Paolo Angius: «I will remember him, for his smile, for his sincere and disinterested friendship, for his candor of mind, for his inimitable dexterity and for the intelligence with which he solved problems in his work», he writes.

The merchant continues: «I'll see him again, in the morning, after his coffee, sitting at the work table reading L'Unione. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Marilisa and children."


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