The damage to the city's green areas caused by the strong wind that blew over Cagliari over the last week is still being counted.

From 28 August to 3 September, the plant management contractor intervened in various areas to remove small and medium-sized plant material detached from the trees.

On the other hand, two urgent interventions were carried out on Sunday. The first in viale Colombo, where the foliage of a ficus located in the central reservation was heavily pruned : during the night a large branch had detached and an almost radical pruning was necessary.

An Aleppo pine was instead cut away from viale Campioni D'Italia 1969/70: "clear signs of imminent collapse (principle of loose clod and slight cracks in the ground)" had been detected, the Municipality said. And there were consequent risks for the safety of passers-by.


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