Chaos in Cagliari in the San Michele district where a man aboard a scooter created panic, risking running over passers-by several times and traveling the wrong way .

It all started late yesterday afternoon when the local police operations room communicated a search note following the theft of a scooter. The motorcyclist agents of the emergency unit intercepted him in via Po . They tried to stop him but the driver - a 41-year-old multiple offender from Cagliari without a license and subjected to probation with the social services - accelerated . A long chase ensued during which the man risked running over some passers-by: twice he avoided them by a few centimetres.

At one point he lost control of the bike and crashed into a car , remaining on the ground. After a brief scuffle, the officers arrested him .

But the story didn't end like this. After a few minutes , family members and acquaintances of the 41-year-old arrived at the scene and attacked the police with kicks and spits . More patrols have arrived in support of colleagues. Meanwhile , the arrested person, handcuffed, was forcibly taken away from the operators, pushed into a car which, at full speed, moved away, losing track of itself . Driving was a 22-year-old, a relative of the man and a multiple offender.

Late yesterday evening the fugitive was identified by the Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters and arrested again.

At today's express rite, the suspect - thanks to the collaboration of the Anti-Crime Section of the Police Headquarters - was revoked by the Surveillance Court the alternative measure of probation and was ordered to be transferred to Uta prison for pre-trial detention. The hearing will take place in September.

Investigations continue to identify the various aggressors: various hypotheses of crime against them, including aiding and abetting the escape of a person arrested in competition.


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