In there, inside the Army establishment, at Poetto in Cagliari , everyone knows each other. That's why the presence of two North Africans, not even wearing bathing suits, seemed strange. Marco Fanari, soldier and vice president of the Municipality of Pirri , kept an eye on them right away.

«They were ten meters from my umbrella», he says, «when they grabbed a smartphone ». The two men took advantage of a moment of inattention from the owner, who was still nearby. Perhaps recklessly, considering the establishment they were in. And in fact Marco Fanari didn't think twice: "I ordered them to leave what they had taken, but they fled".

It is at this moment that the chase begins . The two run away along the shoreline: "They went through the Air Force establishment, then continued to run along the free beach," continues the soldier. « After about 600 meters they separated , continuing their flight towards the seafront, in the area of the cycle path». And it is here that Fanari manages to reach one of the two: «In the meantime», he explains, «they had got rid of the smartphone, which was recovered. I immobilized the thief, asking passers-by to call the police ».

Within a few minutes, two police cars arrived and took the man away, also rescuing him from the anger of the bathers who had witnessed his escape.


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