A new look for the Sardinian capital with the project “A green promenade for the Cagliari seafront”, presented today at the Teatro Massimo by the mayor Paolo Truzzu and the architect Stefano Boeri. There will not be a tunnel but a kind of " covered trench " to facilitate the connection with the other districts. In short, a large tree-lined promenade on the sea, to join the port to the first buildings of the Marina.

"A fundamental project - said Truzzu referring to the masterplan - to eliminate that immaterial barrier consisting of 14 lanes crossed by cars and public transport: these are not the characteristics of a modern city".

“It will be one of the most beautiful and largest walks in the Mediterranean ”, the comment of the president of the Port Authority, Massimo Deiana.

Boeri exposed the most delicate aspects: the connection with the rest of the city while also preserving the mobility that involves the passage of the new metro in the area.

230 more plants that will be planted with respect to the existing ones, both in the longitudinal direction between the railway station and Piazza Ingrao, and in the transversal sense between the city and the sea. The narrowing of two lanes on the main road network is also planned to extend the public space to the sea.

The architect then focused on the use and recycling of rainwater precisely to keep the port always green. The "Piazza sul Mare" is planned, a public space accessible to all, in continuity with the tree-lined avenue, with sports fields (in the new "rambla dello sport"), recreational areas and dehors for rest and relaxation.

Suggestions include a walkway connecting Piazza Ingrao with the old port, renovated in its primary structures, and an intermodal transit hub near the station.

The first part of the project concerns piazza Matteotti and via Roma: "But we also have a broader vision - concluded Boeri - which would create a unique situation throughout the Mediterranean with the challenge of soft mobility".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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