On paper there are 1,500 municipal parking lots. Many, however, despite being ready, remain blocked, others are in the limbo of negotiations between Palazzo Bacaredda and the Region, others are in the planning stage.

The topic ignites heartfelt discussions not only among those who live or work in the historic center of Cagliari but also the city council. In a question the councilor Marzia Cillocu asks for an account of these numbers and the "hunger for parking" of Cagliari. “Via Cesare Battisti and via De Magistris have been entrusted to the Parkar company and will open in a few weeks”, says the councilor for traffic, Alessio Mereu. “As for via Sant'Alenixedda, unfortunately those parking lots have been abandoned for too long and vandalized. They ripped out the elevator doors, we have sorted them out and we are waiting. Then we will open ".

The speech on via Caprera is more complicated. “The silos belongs to the Region, we are responsible for the renovations but it is not clear who will have to manage it. We asked for additional funding to complete the work ”. Then piazza Donatori di Sangue and piazza De Gasperi. “The design was entrusted to two different professionals and the work will go on at the same time”.

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