He was crying desperately inside a locked car . Some passers-by raised the alarm and the carabinieri arrived at the scene.

The episode took place yesterday in Cagliari and ended with a complaint against the parents of the three-and-a-half-year-old child.

The little one had been left in the car in the parking lot behind "Risparmio Casa" on viale Monastir: he was in tears and scared. Several people stopped to figure out how to help him but being unable to do anything they warned the military. A Radiomobile patrol arrived at the scene, it was ascertained that the child was locked in the passenger compartment and a few minutes later the mother and father arrived. Both, 39-year-old Pakistanis, provided implausible justifications for their absence and did not coincide with the statements made by some witnesses and with the vision of the images of the video surveillance system present on the spot. In short, it was not true that they had only gone away for a few moments, as they reported.

For them a complaint in a state of freedom for abandonment of minors or incapable persons.


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