It would have been a homophobic attack that occurred two nights ago on the Sant'Elia seafront in Cagliari , shortly after 11.30 pm, near the former Arena Grandi Eventi.

The victim is a 40-year-old from Selargius.

The man would have been invited by someone to seclude himself in a dark area hidden by trees . But it was only a trap: from a grove three other young men appeared and started to beat him savagely with kicks and punches .

The 40-year-old was left on the ground, while the gang fled. He would also have been overwhelmed by the car of his attackers (detail not confirmed by the investigators for now) reporting the fractured ankle.

Transported to the emergency room of the Brotzu hospital, the doctors gave him a prognosis of 40 days .

They investigate the carabinieri of the Company in via Nuoro.


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