Oncology patients of all ages , splendid models for a day. Today at the San Giovanni di Dio hospital in Cagliari.

Thirty people attending the palliative care and pain center of the university hospital company paraded wearing Viola By Pullover creations in the corridors designed by Gateno Cima.

“Vestiamoci di vita”, the name of the event, like that of the volunteer organization that organized it, for the second time. An initiative that allowed models to talk about their experiences and cover the scars of the disease with colour.

«The Center», explained Dr. Maria Cristina Deidda, oncologist and palliative care specialist at San Giovanni di Dio, «deals daily with many patients who suffer from oncological pathologies, but also with those who have finished their treatments and are trying to accept the diagnosis of an end of life, through the support of palliative care alone. To these women, affected by the disease, and their families we propose the technique of distraction with art therapy and beauty, with the humanization of treatments".

«We help them to see themselves as people and not as their illness», continues Dr. Deidda, «until the end of their lives. It is their right to still feel beautiful, to be looked at without pity, to be "seen" despite the pain and symptoms."


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