In some places it looks like a hurricane has passed through. In Cabras, the seaside village of San Giovanni di Sinis is invaded by wild boars: the animals are devastating streets, squares and now even the entrances to homes.

A situation now out of control that is scary, both for those who live a few meters from the sea but also for municipal administrators who ask the Province for help.

After all, there are so many animals and they wander around the village as if nothing had happened. They dig into every corner creating huge holes. In many places the flowerbeds no longer exist: they have been transformed into a pile of earth.

In recent days the entrances to the houses have also been damaged: the wild boars have lifted the tiles near the doors.

The mayor of Cabras Andrea Abis is clear: «Tomorrow is Easter, the day after tomorrow is summer: the tourist season is at risk but also people's safety. We need a control plan immediately, before it's too late." A few days ago Abis also sent a note to the Province, Prefect and Forestry: «Numerous road accidents have also been reported due to sudden crossings of the animal along provincial road six - we read in the document - But the possible risks of direct attack on the person. It is therefore necessary to urgently implement a targeted operation that provides a concrete response. We ask the Province to consider as absolute priority the implementation of a plan of control interventions for the species."

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