A motorcyclist was seriously injured in a road accident on Bosa Alghero. The 63-year-old from Oristano was immediately transferred by air ambulance to Sassari hospital, his condition is critical.

The accident happened late in the morning in the S'abba druche area and, according to what was reconstructed by the Carabinieri of the Macomer Company, the motorbike, a powerful BMW, was overtaking just at the moment in which the Fiat Punto was turning left.

At that point the impact was inevitable: the motorcyclist ended up on the ground seriously injured. Rescue was immediate, the 118 ambulances intervened on the spot: the centaur was transferred in code red to the Sassari hospital with the Areu helicopter.

The driver of the car, a 24-year-old from Bosa, was pulled from the wreckage by the Macomer firefighters and then transferred to San Martino in Oristano (the friends who were traveling with him were unharmed). The Carabinieri of the Bosa station carried out the investigations and reconstructed the dynamics of the accident.

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