The mayor of Bonorva Massimo D'Agostino, fresh from reconfirmation at the helm of the municipality of Meilogu, has appointed the municipal council.

The deputy mayor will be Aldo Salaris, the current regional councilor for public works at the Riformatori Sardi quota, who will also be the councilor for Budget, Heritage, Finance and Social Services.

Mariano Sanna has been appointed councilor for the environment, public green, urban decor, productive activities and barracellar company, while Claudio Dettori will deal with sports, tourism, entertainment, commerce and urban planning.

The female share in the council will be up to Laura di Settimio, who will be the commissioner for public education, culture, cultural heritage and associations.

The mayor also assigned tasks to the other majority councilors: Gianpiero Marras will have maintenance and museum systems; Alessandra Carboni Equal opportunities and policies on the family; Elena Sanna Youth policies; Angelo Pintore Agricultural policies and rural roads.

“The director in charge - underlines Massimo D'Agostino - will have a proactive function of mere collaboration, consultancy, collaborative study towards the mayor and will be able to exercise only the functional competences for the performance of guidance and coordination activities by the mayor. The assignment therefore does not constitute a delegation of functions, it cannot carry out active administration tasks or adopt acts of external significance ".

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