Since the beginning of the year, 68 have died on the roads of Sardinia. 11 only from the beginning of September.

In the latest ISTAT report, the island highlights one of the highest mortality rates in Italy: 6.3 victims per 100 thousand inhabitants, while the national average (3,159 deaths in 2022) is 5.4.

The latest accident, on the Sulcis provincial road 2 , brings back to the fore the protests over the lack of safety of the roads which - net of high speed, distraction and behavior behind the wheel - end up becoming the scene of head-on collisions, impacts and flights off the roadway. On the state roads there are still at-grade intersections and risky sections; while the provincial road network, without a central traffic island, has trap curves and often a road surface in poor condition.

Giambattista Marotto, commander of the municipal police of Cagliari, underlines that among the most frequent causes of accidents in the city are «failure to comply with the rules of the highway code, for example overtaking by crossing the continuous stripe; speed and distraction, often due to using a mobile phone while driving."

There have been four fatalities in Cagliari since the beginning of the year and seven victims, including the four boys who died in Viale Marconi at dawn on September 10th.

Piera Serusi

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