Success for the first edition of the Vernaccia Festival, staged in the historic center of Baratili San Pietro, an event promoted by the Municipality in collaboration with Gal Sinis, the Eco Museum of Vernaccia of Oristano, the Vernaccia consortium and the organization of the Association of Local Authorities for Cultural and Entertainment Activities.

«The message is simple», says mayor Alberto Pippia, «but complex at the same time. By tasting Vernaccia, tourists and visitors are not just sipping a wine, however wonderfully unique, but are embarking on a thousand-year journey to discover an area exceptionally rich in history, traditions and culture. A journey into beauty."

The mayor also underlined the importance of collaboration between companies, small producers, local authorities and other local entities. «We believe that only through a synergy between all the resources of the territory can a path of shared growth be developed», added Pippia, highlighting the fundamental role of the Sinis GAL in promoting other local excellences such as Cabras bottarga, Riola oil and the craftsmanship of San Vero. Yesterday in the area of the Ex Cantina Madau the mural created by the artist Nicholas Bembo was also inaugurated, destined to become an artistic symbol of the town.

«In our event we intended to combine tastings with the presence of artists linked to the Sardinian musical tradition, but, as for the promotion of wine, we decided to do so by assigning the task to artists capable of revisiting in a modern key the typical features and peculiarities of our musical and artistic tradition - Pippia continues - even in the creation of the murals, through the Vernaccia project, we left free rein to the artists so that they felt free to interpret Vernaccia, and its link with Baratili and the territory, according to their vision and their creativity and consequently conveyed unique and different sensations and emotions through images, certainly not easy to interpret at first glance, but which leave their mark on the attentive observer. With the same spirit we have undertaken, through the participation of chefs and sector journalists, a journey of rediscovery and valorisation of Vernaccia also from a gastronomic point of view".

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