After the recent rulings of the Council of State on state concessions, the summer season begins with uncertainty about the future for the Poetto bathing establishments in Cagliari.

Samuele Nonnis has already started the season in his Sam Beach plant at the terminus and hopes that guarantees will arrive soon from the Government.

Tina Abis, president of the Golfo degli Angeli cooperative, which has 7 stations on the Poetto seafront, explains: « In Sardinia a regional law from last February currently allows an extension for the whole of 2024 and for this reason we have already started with many tourists and our loyal customers. It is clear that the uncertainty about our future does not leave us at peace, but this summer we will work to offer the best services on the beach as always."

There are also those who find the latest decisions of the Council of State positive, Angelo Cerina, sole director of the Lido establishment: «The seventh section has established clear principles which provide compensation for concessionaires who are penalised . We at the Lido establishment are not involved in the awarding of future concessions, but we stand in solidarity with all the entrepreneurs who have invested. We hope that the Government will resolve the issue of concessions, and it will certainly be after the European elections."

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