Another assault on a armored car in Sardinia , another firefight and a trail of blood along the roads of the island.

This time it happened in Giave , on the Statale 131 , but in the past it had happened in Siliqua , Bonorva , Sassari , still on the 131 between Nuoro and Olbia , along the road that connects Orani and Orotelli , and then the assault on the Mondialpol of Sassari, yielded to the bandits as much as 11 million euros.

In Siliqua , on May 31, 2022, the assault had failed , with a dynamic similar to the current one : shots at the armored vehicle and cars on fire, the criminals on the run. A Mondialpol armored car was targeted, with the bandits who first stopped the vehicle by placing two cars as obstacles on the roadway, and then opened fire wildly .

We need to go further back, to 2015, for a similar assault on the 131 , this time in Bonorva . The bandits blocked the road at the crossroads for Bolotana with a quarry truck and two cars, one of which was on fire. They fired Kalashnikovs with minor wounds against a vigilante, who was thrown to the ground. The loot is then huge: half a million euros , with the criminals quickly disappearing in the direction of Cagliari.

And there is perhaps the same hand when, in 2016, the fort-headquarters of the Mondialpol in Sassari was attacked by a group of about ten criminals. The bandits arrive on the spot with a bulldozer loaded onto a truck, break through the boundary wall and break into the building. Then the shootout between the criminal group and the security guards, and miraculously no one is injured. The bandits flee.

And again, still on the 131, the terrible assault between Nuoro and Olbia , in 2011 , against a van headed for the post offices and banks of the Barony. In the violent collision between the armored vehicle of the "Over Security" supervisory institute of Nuoro - which has a loot of around half a million euros on board - and a flatbed truck, stolen by the commando from Siniscola to block its journey, the three are injured vigilantes and one of the bandits .

Even further back, it is 1994 , when the streets of Barbagia are tinged with blood : that of the vigilante Fabian Mele , 21 years old, originally from Nuoro, barbarously killed by a commando formed by seven bandits armed with Kalashnikovs and Garand military rifles . Just a few minutes until 8 in the morning, when the armored car Mele is in, along the road that connects Orani to Orotelli, is attacked by bandits who fire hundreds of bullets and throw hand grenades. Two of Mele's colleagues who manage to save themselves, however, sustaining several injuries. The robbers escape with a booty of 280 million.


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