The opposition group "Siamo Ittiri", made up of Margherita Manuela Soro, Lia Calvia, Antonio Dore, Maria Grazia Simula and Giacomo Zara, presented a motion to the mayor, Antonio Sau, for the approval of an agenda on the protection of mental health and safety for local doctors.

The document commits the mayor to share this agenda with the municipalities of the plus area (district of Alghero) and the Union of Municipalities of Coros.

The decision came after the ugly news story that took place at the Alivesi hospital in Ittiri , with the assault on the medical guard . «We believe - explains Margherita Manuela Soro - that never as in this moment, in which a political debate is inflamed at a national level, with the request of some parties such as the League to revise the Basaglia law, is it necessary that all public institutions strongly request voice its concrete application. In fact - continues Soro - there is a lack of economic, human and material resources which prevents the mental health departments from operating to implement effective rehabilitation interventions and this situation then has serious repercussions at the local level, on families, communities and social services of the municipalities, which have no means of intervening without a functioning network of services".

The document provides for a request to President Solinas so that, concludes Soro, "to activate all the tools necessary to increase services for the protection of mental health and related to the issue of safety for doctors, also resorting to a solicitation towards the central government ».

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