Archeology doesn't go on vacation. At least this is the case in Trexenta where excavations have resumed in the nuragic area in the locality of Piscu in Suelli and in the nuraghe Su Angiu in Mandas.

"Despite the very high temperatures, the excavation and restoration of the Piscu nuraghe did not stop - says the mayor of Suelli Massimiliano Garau -, shortly, together with the illustration of the finds, we will communicate the interesting news". The objects that will be returned at the end of the excavation operations carried out with the support of the Superintendency will enrich the layout of the archaeological museum created by the municipal administration in a municipal building in the center of the town.

In the meantime, the preliminary operations aimed at opening the construction site for the recovery of the Su Angiu nuraghe in the Mandas countryside have begun. It is one of the most important sites in the Trexenta area, extending for approximately 3 hectares within the boundaries of the municipality of Alta Trexenta. To make the Nuragic area even more interesting and characteristic are the nearby Punic and Roman villages, the remains of which are still visible today. The municipal administration has donated over 400,000 euros to carry out the project to study and enhance the archaeological site.

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