Another day marked by fires in Sardinia, 16 of which broke out in the regional territory.

In seven cases, the intervention of regional and national fleet aircraft was necessary to put out the flames.

The most dangerous fire broke out in Sant'Andrea Frius, where two helicopters from the regional fleet, the Super Puma and a Canadair, intervened. Five hectares of Mediterranean scrub have gone to ashes.

A helicopter intervened in Segariu to put out a fire that devastated four hectares of uncultivated land. In Furtei, on the other hand, the flames have devoured about two hectares of bushy land. Also in this case, a helicopter intervened to give support to the teams on the ground. A helicopter from the regional fleet also intervened to tame the fires that broke out in the afternoon in Bono, Oliena, Ottana and Buddusò.

However, all the fires were extinguished.


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