Hundreds of people stretched out on the beach, while dozens enjoyed swimming a short distance from the shore.

Christmas is less than a month and a half away, but the Poetto in Cagliari continues to attract people : from the city and also the cruise passengers who were in the capital this morning.

The few kiosks closed for holidays, after an extremely busy summer season, do not make the dealers who manage them happy: those who have opened even in recent days are doing a roaring trade, as demonstrated by the crowded restaurant rooms at lunch time.

But such a meteorological situation was unpredictable, with maximum peaks of 25 degrees that will last until Thursday , while over the weekend temperatures will drop suddenly and some rain will arrive: this is what meteorologists predict.

This morning the Poetto was certainly not in its summer version, even if many people were lying in their bathing suits and others were actually swimming. An almost summery autumn continues to encourage the many admirers of the main Cagliari coast and will do so for a couple of days yet.

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