“Living the sea in a sustainable way”, this is the title of the conference promoted and organized by Gianfranco and Davide Falchi, owners of Boatness, in collaboration with Mercury Italia and which was supported by the Capo Caccia - Isola Piana protected marine area together with the environmentalist association Marevivo.

The meeting, scheduled for Friday 17 May at 10.30 am in the conference room of Casa Gioiosa, in Tramariglio, will also be the opportunity for the presentation of the innovative Mercury Avator electric outboard, a latest generation zero impact engine.

Among the speakers present were the director of the Marine Protected Area Mariano Mariani, the general director of Mercury Italia Alessandro Conti, the North Sardinia delegate of Marevivo Marco Di Gangi, the president of Assonautica Giovanni Conoci and the director of the Giornale della Vela - one of the main sector magazine - Luca Oriani. Each of them, within their own area of expertise, will intervene to explain how the energy transition is affecting the way we experience the sea and how the nautical world is adapting to new means of propulsion. Alessandro Balzani, nautical sector journalist, moderated the interventions.

«The objective is to spread the message of respect for the environment and promote pleasure boating with a view to safeguarding the sea and the ecosystem. To be able to navigate in certain areas - explain the organizers - it is necessary to have an electric propulsion vehicle, which also allows for greater enjoyment of the environment as no noise or emissions of any kind are produced".

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