He didn't want to pay at that cash register because there was a black boy . It happened in a supermarket in Alghero in 2020 , a man in his seventies asked for another one to be opened and ended up arguing with the business' employees.

During the discussion , insults and offensive phrases allegedly flew against the young South American, while the man allegedly said to the employees of the business: "Shut up, you who are from the Democratic Party" . Then he would have grabbed a jar from a shelf as if he wanted to hit those present , subsequently "earning" a complaint and a trial which ended today, in court in Sassari, on charges of threats and attempted injuries with the aggravating circumstance of 'ethnic hatred .

In the end, judge Anna Pintore sentenced him to four months and 15 days, with a suspended sentence and an immediately enforceable provisional fine of one thousand euros . The prosecutor was Antonio Pala, the civil lawyer Elias Vacca, and the defense lawyers Francesca Ena and Ica Cadau Ena.

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