Forza Italia out of the centre-right council of Alghero. Mayor Mario Conoci has revoked the councilorships of Antonello Peru (Public Works) and Giovanna Caria (Budget and State Property) . A harsh reaction to the behavior in the chamber of the Azzurri who, together with the UDC, supported two amendments from the opposition by voting , behavior which literally sent the majority balance into a tailspin.

Most of the councilors of Forza Italia (with the exception of Tatiana Argiolas) and of the UDC (Nina Ansini and Christian Mulas in the chamber) managed to torpedo the funding already allocated to the Park (50 thousand euros) and to the new software at tourism service (150 thousand euros) requested by the operators. Those sums will instead go to the video surveillance system and the family mediation desk, as suggested by political opponents.

Reformers, Noi Con Alghero, Lega, Psd'az and Fratelli d'Italia, in a note, asked the Azzurri to clarify, " taking a position and telling citizens and allies what Forza Italia's position is : administering with the center-right in the interest of the whole city, maintaining the commitments made with businesses, workers and families, or betraying the vote of their voters by allying themselves with the left". Mayor Mario Conoci did not wait for the response, sending them away from the council.

«We are surprised to learn that the mayor of Alghero has revoked the positions of the Forza Italia Caria and Peru councilors. Who, moreover, have always stood out for their seriousness, efficiency and competence and who Forza Italia thanks in all its branches for their commitment. An incomprehensible and harmful act that negatively affects the functionality of the council in a difficult moment for the city. An act, moreover, which lends itself to multiple censures given that it is completely devoid of motivation and which undermines the coalition pact at its root. Unless it is anchored to the opposition expressed both in the Council and in the City Council by Forza Italia, together with the UDC, on some measures harmful to the city because they risked squandering public money . Forza Italia will continue to work peacefully in the interests of the citizens of Alghero, while waiting to understand the true objectives of this bizarre position taken by the mayor", write the FI provincial commissioner Nanni Terrosu and the city commissioner Marco Tedde in a note.

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