It really isn't every day that an archbishop apologizes and publicly asks for forgiveness. Monsignor Roberto Carboni, spiritual guide of the diocese of Oristano , did it during the three separate Eucharistic celebrations, in which he administered the sacrament of confirmation to 90 boys from the Christian community of Abbasanta, Ghilarza and Norbello over the weekend.

Identical statements were repeated on Saturday afternoon in the Parish of Santa Giulitta in Norbello and Santa Caterina in Abbasanta , while this morning it was the turn of the Church of the Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in Ghilarza .

Heavy words pronounced at the moment of the penitential act: "Each of us wants to open ourselves to God's mercy, acknowledging our own sins", said the archbishop, "I feel important, in this context and with sincerity before you, the need to ask forgiveness from the Lord and from Father Paolo», he underlined, «for not having been close to him in a decisive and more attentive way in recent weeks, in the difficult moment in which he denounced the abuses he had received. He is the victim and deserves all my and our attention, closeness, support and solidarity. This is so that even in our diocesan church we can consolidate the culture of listening and respect for those affected by abuse".

There was a certain curiosity as to whether and what the archbishop would say, on his first visit to the Guilcier after the parish priest's denunciation, which had caused quite a stir in the Arborense church and beyond.

An important comment was expected from him, but what he said were clear and sharp words. And while in Norbello and Abbasanta, Father Paolo did not want to comment on the archbishop's words, this morning at the end of the last celebration in Ghilarza, he intervened to thank Monsignor Carboni for the request for forgiveness he had pronounced.

«I welcome your words with kindness, friendship and fraternity», he said, «which, even on a day of celebration, are not out of place. You know the facts well and know that they are certain and very serious. It is not my word against another, nor are they caresses exchanged for violence. I didn't report it for myself, but I did it so that such things don't happen again in the church, because the life of the little ones is sacred to God. If it ever happens, I will report what happens. Thank you», concluded Father Paolo, «because out loud you decided to say which side you are on».

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