A month of October characterized by high temperatures : the African anticyclone brings the heat back to Italy, with temperatures that in Sardinia can even reach peaks of 33°C .

Today the mercury will well exceed 30 degrees in a large part of the island, thus setting almost record values for the period: in this phase, in fact, temperatures should be around 22-23°C.

Even during Tuesday the weather scenario will not change: lots of sunshine and temperature values above the averages for the period are expected .

High pressure could undergo a slight decline around mid-week, between Wednesday and Thursday, due to the transit of the tail of a fast Atlantic front which could bring some modest disturbances: therefore, a few degrees less in temperatures is expected , which will remain but still above the seasonal average.

«For an autumn turning point - states Antonio Sanò, founder of the site www.iLMeteo.it - we will have to wait again, probably until the second ten days of the month».


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