In Abbasanta an arson attack on a former carabiniere, a native of the town.

During the night the car of the 53-year-old soldier, now retired, was set on fire .

The alarm went off around three in the morning when the request for intervention for the fire of an SUV, parked in via dei Martiri della Libertà, arrived at the operations room of the Oristano fire brigade.

The timely intervention of a team from Abbasanta's detachment limited the damage.

The brigade carried out careful checks on the car and in the vicinity of the place where it was parked the night before and found traces of a trigger .

No doubt about the malicious origin of the fire.

The carabinieri of Ghilarza and the provincial command immediately started investigations to shed full light on the incident.

The military has long heard from their former colleague: it seems that the 53-year-old has no particular suspicions.

In addition, the carabinieri are also viewing the videos of some cameras in the area to look for further pieces.

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