Moments of fear in Martis, where a blaze started from a gas cylinder connected to a stove injured two people.

According to what was ascertained by the carabinieri of the Sassari company, who intervened on the spot - in via Sassari - together with the rescuers after the alarm, the two, a 77-year-old and a 65-year-old, were changing the cylinder in the gas stove when something went wrong and there was a sudden flash that hit them.

The two were then taken over by 118. The 77-year-old was transferred by helicopter to Sassari hospital, with burns to his face and respiratory failure. He is now hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

The 65-year-old instead suffered burns to a hand and an arm.

There was also damage in the house, with the flames engulfed a table and furnishings.


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