Three Desulese farmers were arrested for drug dealing; in their sheepfold the police found 15 kilos of marijuana .

The checks were carried out as part of a census and control of the sheepfolds by the Carabinieri of the Belvì and Desulo stations, in collaboration with the D'Arcu squadron of Tascusì.

Checking the agricultural company managed by the three family and located in the countryside of Belvì , the military found some cartridges and decided to deepen the research, also extending it to the other buildings of the company. In total, 78 illegally possessed 12 gauge cartridges and a large plastic bag with 15 kilos of marijuana were found.

All the material was seized and the three arrested. In the validation hearing, the investigating judge validated the arrests and ordered two of the three to report daily to the judicial police. The third was released from prison without being subjected to other precautionary measures.


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