"What are you doing there?". "I'm looking for my friend's finger".

The vigilante who intervened to check a man in a suspicious attitude next to the fence of a waste collection center in Piazzale delle Milizie in Milan must have been stunned by these words.

The man in question, who arrived by car with another person, then quickly fled before the arrival of the police, alerted by the same security guard.

At that point the investigations began.

According to what has been reconstructed so far thanks to the images of the surveillance system cameras, at 8 pm the night before a car had stopped at the same point and two men got out of the cockpit and climbed over the fence.

When the security guard arrived, however, they ran away and one of the two would later lose his finger in the escape, after his hand got stuck in the net due to the ring.

The finger (two phalanges of the right ring finger) was later found and now "ownership" will be ascertained through fingerprints.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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