News that left him speechless, so much so that he didn't want to comment on his entry in the register of suspects in the context of the encore investigation into the Unabomber case. The eleventh name that came to the attention of the Trieste investigators belongs to Luigi Pilloni, a 61-year-old from Cagliari. The other ten, in one way or another, were suspected of having had something to do with the bomber who had planted various bombs in the Northeast area between the 1990s and the early 2000s. But Pilloni, a factory worker, says he knows nothing about it.

In his case, the chief prosecutor Antonio De Nicolo explained that the registration is only a necessary act in order to carry out genetic tests on hair and other traces, such as those of saliva, recovered on artifacts seized at the time.

The 61-year-old Sardinian would have been quoted by a witness whose version, however, is to be verified. "I have nothing to do with this story - he reiterated - but I will answer the questions that the carabinieri may ask me".


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