Sara Piffer, the promising Trentino cycling athlete who lost her life after being hit by a car in Mezzocorona, Trentino, around 11:30 this morning, would have turned 20 in October.

Originally from Palù di Giovo, in the Cembra valley, after her debut at Velo Sport Mezzocorona, Piffer began racing for Mendelspeck, with whom last year she managed to win in Corridonia, in the Marche region, and to place second in the Trentino time trial in Verla/Maso Roncador.

The fatal accident occurred on Via Cesare Battisti, one of the roads that connect the towns of Mezzocorona and Mezzolombardo. According to an initial reconstruction, a car driven by a 70-year-old local man, who was going in the opposite direction and was overtaking another, hit the young woman. Her brother was also with her, but he was riding on another bike.

Despite the intervention of the 118 helicopter and the attempts to resuscitate the young woman, there was nothing that could be done. The local police of Piana Rotaliana also intervened on the scene. In the meantime, the Trento Prosecutor's Office has opened a case for road homicide and is carrying out the necessary investigations.

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