She "cured" a tumor with herbal teas and psychotherapy sessions but the patient obviously died.

And now Dr. Germana Durando, 66 years old from Turin, has ended up in her cell. He must serve an irrevocable sentence of 3 years, 8 months and 26 days in prison for manslaughter.

Durando, homeopath, according to the accusations had used the theories of the German Ryke Geerd Hamer, based on the assumption that the disease is the product of a psychic conflict. Thesis that the scientific community has never supported, so much so that Hamer - who died in 2017 - was disbarred and tried in several European countries.

The patient, Marina L., had a 5 mm mole on her left shoulder and had turned to the doctor, whom she called “Santa Germana”, accepting his advice. He died in 2015, at the age of 53, prey to a malignant melanoma that not even surgery had been able to eradicate. After nine years of herbal treatment, words and introspection.

The doctor in the classroom tried to blame the patient, claiming that it was she who refused traditional treatments: "The choice was hers. I had to decide whether to abandon the patient or continue to be by her side as she expected of me , in science and conscience, respecting his will as an individual. I behaved following the dictates of professional ethics ".

The judges, however, did not agree with her. And the victim's family members also obtained compensation. Durando had already been terminated in 2018.

(Unioneonline / L)

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