Off to another week of farmers ' protests, today marching towards Rome to bring the mobilization of the capital.

At the moment the long procession of tractors , which left from Arezzo with flags and banners, is not causing serious traffic problems or accidents .

New protests are still being prepared in Veneto, Lombardy, Campania, Puglia and on the islands, including in Sardinia.

"We will bring our protest to the capital - one of the spokespersons, Salvatore Fais, said this morning - we will move forward while waiting for concrete answers ".

And the farmers also made an appeal to Amadeus to host them at the Sanremo festival : «So we can tell all the spectators our reasons, peaceful but clear », they said in connection with the Agorá Weekend broadcast.

The reasons for the protest are always the same: the cost of raw materials and fuel increases , while the products end up on the market at the same price .

"We will remain under surveillance - they said - until we obtain certain and decisive answers from the European Union and the Italian institutions ."

Yesterday in Milan about ten farmers reached Piazza Duomo with a cow and a calf, chanting slogans and blowing whistles, among curious tourists and Milanese.


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