A 27-page report with 167 questions: it is the one closed last night by the Genoa prosecutors after the 8-hour interrogation of Giovanni Toti , the governor of Liguria under house arrest on charges of corruption, forgery and vote-swapping .

Toti, who confirmed the trusted appointment of the lawyer Stefano Savi, answered all the questions, rejecting all the accusations of corruption.

In the questions submitted to the governor, the magistrates first wanted to delve into the relationships with the other suspects, such as the entrepreneurs Aldo Spinelli and Pietro Colucci.

In particular, the thirty-year concession of the Spinelli Bulkhead terminal and the boat meeting in 2021 are under the spotlight.

From what we learn, when asked about the request for financing on that very occasion, Toti replied: «I don't remember but it's possible. The Spinelli group began supporting my political committees in 2015 and this relationship has lasted until now. I want to point out that it is possible that I had asked for financing even before the meeting on September 1, 2021", he added.

Toti case, Schlein attacks Meloni – Video:


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