He gave his mother's credit card credentials to a prostitute in return for her performance.

And the woman used them - in good faith - for a series of online purchases. But when the man's mother realized that something was wrong, she turned to the carabinieri, accompanied by her son. And the investigations by the military allowed the truth to come out: now the man has been denounced for improper use of payment cards aggravated by the continuation of the crime.

It happened in San Polo d'Enza, in the province of Reggio Emilia. The negative protagonist of the story is a 50-year-old man.

As mentioned, the man was dating a 34-year-old escort of Brazilian origin and used a credit card to pay for her. The 34-year-old, with the credentials provided, bought online groceries, shoes, sunglasses, a mobile phone and a portable dryer, goods for a total value of around 700 euros.

The elderly mother, however, realized from the statements of the expenses never made and decided to contact the carabinieri. The same 50-year-old, as if nothing had happened, perhaps thinking of a mere formality, accompanied her to the barracks. Too bad for him that the investigations conducted on the 34-year-old allowed the men of the Arma to reconstruct how things really went.

Result: the man was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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