They got out of their van to check and put back a wobbly load along Milan 's outer ring road, when a truck driver overwhelmed and killed them, only to flee without stopping to give help .

The escape of the truck driver lasted shortly, then tracked down in Muggiò thanks to the license plate, the video surveillance cameras and the GPS on the vehicle. The man is now under house arrest for road homicide and wrongful death .

The victims were 51 and 55 years old and were traveling to Agrate when, at Melzo, in the Milanese area, they realized that the load of their white van was moving and they risked losing it. They slowed down, stopped and got out of the van. They probably exited the emergency lane to secure the load and at that point, according to an eyewitness, the heavy vehicle arrived and mowed them down .

The driver who witnessed the tragedy had the coldness to call 118 but, above all, to write down the license plate of the truck , which continued its run despite the impact. It is unlikely that he could not have noticed that he had overwhelmed two people, despite the weight of the vehicle.

(Unioneonline / L)

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