Wolfgang Rieke, the German truck driver who hit and killed cycling champion Davide Rebellin on 30 November 2022, is hospitalized in serious condition at Ca' Foncello hospital in Treviso due to an ischemic stroke.

The illness dates back to yesterday evening, a few hours after the first hearing of the trial before the Vicenza court. Rieke's lawyers have filed a request for a postponement on grounds of legitimate impediment , which will be heard this afternoon.

Last March 11, the Court of Vicenza rejected the plea bargaining request made by Rieke's lawyers, the same as the one already formulated before the judge at the preliminary hearing. The judges had therefore declared the proceedings open, with the first hearing scheduled for today, in which the examination of the expert reports on the site of the accident and on the truck was expected.

Rebellin's wife, mother and three brothers have already been compensated by the truck's insurance company. Since February 23, the truck driver had been under house arrest in an apartment of acquaintances in the province of Treviso.


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