Tragedy in Scafati, in the province of Salerno.

A 59-year-old woman died after having a sudden illness right near the entrance to the hospital , whose emergency room has been closed since June for work.

The reaction of the mayor Pasquale Aliberti was very harsh, calling on the Region and the local health authority, urgently asking for the reactivation of the first intervention point and the reorganization of 118, "otherwise - he says - we are faced with healthcare terrorists".

«Total solidarity with the family of the lady who, struck by a sudden illness near the hospital entrance, did not have the possibility of being helped because the health management closed the first aid point a few months ago – says Aliberti - As mayor I asked for information on what happened, also in light of the intervention of our Municipal Police, and I learned that the lady was helped by her husband, who was with her and who attempted a cardiac massage. The municipal officials also told me that once they arrived on site they immediately alerted 118, but the ambulance arrived after more than half an hour."

«What happened is very serious. Whoever must intervene - he continues - should do so to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. Given that the battle for the emergency room is transversal and goes beyond ideologies, I do not feel like placing responsibility on the doctors who work in the 'Mauro Scarlato' hospital. They are the only ones who are not to blame, as they too are victims of a healthcare system that does not protect anyone's rights ."


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