Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò , deputy police officer who in recent days had intervened on the stage of San Giovanni in Rome to protest against the obligation of a green certificate, was officially suspended.

The suspension was notified to you today. But, at least according to what Schilirò writes, now acclaimed by the anti Green pass as a new heroine, it will be valid starting tomorrow.


"I'm here to disagree with the green pass which is absolutely incompatible with our Constitution - he said -. No right can be subordinated to a green certificate". Schilirò had claimed to speak as a free citizen, but it was a pity that she was presented on stage in the very role she occupies in the police.

"I only expressed my thoughts - she defended herself -. I only said that I have sworn on the Constitution and I intend to respect that oath".

The police chief, Lamberto Giannini, had explained that "we immediately started the examination of the behavior that will be evaluated in the competent offices". The owner of the Ministry of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who had defined the declarations as "very serious", also criticized.

(Unioneonline / D)

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