A 34-year-old was stabbed to death yesterday evening in Genoa, in the Quinto district. The femicide took place on the street, in via Fabrizi. Alice Scagni was hit with several blows and when the rescuers arrived on the spot there was nothing more for her to do. All attempts to revive her proved futile.

From what has emerged so far, the victim would have met his brother Alberto and, during a quarrel - one of many according to various witnesses -, the man would have pulled out a knife, hitting his sister several times. The neighbors, who had heard the screams, had already called the police, who arrived shortly after.

The 40-year-old then walked away and was spotted near a beach. Taken to the police station, he was subjected to questioning. Relations between the two had been tense for some time.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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