Murder this morning, around 7, on the western outskirts of Naples , in the Soccavo district .

The victim is a 66-year-old man already known to the police, Michele Della Corte : hit by gunshots, he died instantly .

On the spot there are the carabinieri who have started the investigation into the murder . No leads are excluded.

Della Corte was killed near his home, an area also known as " Croce Piperno ": several relatives have already gone to the place.

For some time Soccavo has been the scene of a feud between the clans of the western area that goes on with murders and injuries. The last episode before that of today dates back to about a month ago, with the execution of a convicted person, Emanuele De Angelis , killed in via Contieri, a few hundred meters from the place where he was consummated the murder of today.

Law enforcement investigations aim to see if there is a link between the two blood episodes.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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