"Recruiting doctors is difficult everywhere, it is much more difficult in Calabria where there are hospitals that do not guarantee, and on this they are right to protest the doctors and nurses, who often provide their service as real heroes, adequate conditions of work". This was stated by Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region, in an interview with Radio 24 and about the decision to bring in new doctors from Cuba to make up for the lack of white coats in the Region.

NO SPECIALIZATION - "Some doctors - adds Occhiuto - claim to have applied and that this has not been accepted. Not so: many of these are doctors who do not have specialization . Those who have to work in hospitals, for example in the anesthesia wards. , surgery or rather radiology, must be specialized. I had a law approved by the Regional Council to have the possibility of including doctors without specialization in the ward, because it is better to have doctors without specialization than to have none at all, but this law is was challenged by the national government. So what should I do: close the hospitals? ".

DESERT COMPETITIONS - "Our health companies. Continues Occhiuto - have made many competitions for the most varied medical categories, and for an indefinite period, but they have almost always gone deserted . In Italy many health professionals flee from the public system to go to the private one, or in some cooperatives. Think of a young anesthetist: if he is hired in the public service he earns around 2,300 euros a month, if he goes to the private sector, he earns 2,300 euros in just two days. It is clear that in this situation it is impossible to keep hospitals open , even more so in Calabria. I do not close my hospitals, I do not deprive Calabrian citizens of their right to treatment ".

THE AGREEMENT - "The one signed with Cuba - continues the president of the Region - is an in -depth agreement that I have personally explored in every aspect. There is a national standard, approved at the beginning of the Covid emergency, which gives the possibility to use non-EU doctors. It is clear that the emergency in my Region is unfortunately structural . I have taken over the Calabrian health government as a commissioner since November, but for 12 years this health care had been commissioned by commissioners who had not had the ability or to ascertain debt, nor to improve the quality of health care. Commissioners appointed by national governments without the governments themselves attaching great importance to their work. I now have a duty to act ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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