For months she stalked him, even threatening to kill him if he didn't get back with her: "If you don't stay with me, I'll kill you and I'll kill myself," she allegedly told him several times. For this reason , the Rome Prosecutor's Office has requested the trial of Lucrezia Hailé Selassiè, 26, a self-styled Ethiopian princess and influencer, accused of stalking Manuel Bortuzzo, the Paralympic swimming champion.

Il Messaggero writes about the story.

The two had met within the walls of the 2021-2022 edition of Big Brother VIP. A relationship that began and ended a few months later, in April 2022. However, the 26-year-old had not accepted the end of the brief relationship and had begun to harass Bortuzzo with increasingly aggressive behavior so much so that the swimmer decided to report her and, before the summer, the 26-year-old was subjected to a ban on approaching and forced to wear an electronic bracelet for stalking.

In the meantime, the prosecutor's office has closed the investigation and requested an immediate trial : Salassiè has opted for the abbreviated trial and the hearing before the preliminary hearing judge has been set for March 13. In the indictment, the prosecutors of Piazzale Clodio write that the girl has caused her ex "a state of anxiety and fear and a well-founded fear for his safety, forcing him to change his lifestyle habits, to the point of blocking her and not feeling free to move around peacefully and start a new relationship".

According to the accusation, she first inundated him with calls and messages. Then in April 2022, while the champion was in the hospital, or rather in the operating room, she allegedly insulted the doctors who had prevented her from seeing him, kicking the doors. A few weeks later, he found her at dinner in the same place where he was with his new girlfriend. Another episode in July 2023 , at the Paralympic championships in Manchester, when she left him a note in front of the hotel room where he was staying. A year later, at the swimming world championships in Portugal, she found another note in front of the hotel room. When he refused her, she allegedly slapped him. Hence the complaint.


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