«Perhaps we should be more protective in dialogue and vocabulary. If you go dancing, you have every right to get drunk - there must be no kind of misunderstanding and no kind of stumble - but if you avoid getting drunk and losing your senses, maybe you also avoid running into certain problems because then the wolf find it ".

Controversy over this sentence by Andrea Giambruno , Rete 4 journalist and companion of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni uttered yesterday during the episode of Diario del Giorno.

Giambruno, speaking of the cases of violence in Palermo and Caivano, on the outskirts of Naples , and defining the rapists as "beasts", endorsed the positions expressed by Pietro Senaldi - director of Libero and host of the program - who, in order to avoid the "wolves " - against which he too expresses a firm condemnation - he suggests "first of all not to lose consciousness, to remain capable of understanding and wanting".

Phrases which, as mentioned, triggered immediate reactions, including political ones.

Cecilia D'Elia, Pd senator and vice president of the commission of inquiry into Feminicide, comments: «They just can't help but blame women. Violence is always a little their fault. Don't go out alone, don't go where it's dark, don't dress provocatively. Now Giambruno is also explaining it to us: if you don't get drunk they won't rape you. You have every right to get drunk but if you avoid doing it... And nothing, in the end women and their lifestyles are judged. It's not possible, it's no longer tolerable."

For the Movimento 5 Stelle, Giambruno's words are "unacceptable and shameful words, a plastic representation of a male-dominated and retrograde culture which constitutes the breeding ground for violent behavior, the abuses that many women are forced to suffer every day".


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