Fired for being found with a zeppola in his hand.

Strike in Forlì for the workers of the Coop Alleanza 3.0 warehouse managed by Afv Logistica. About 120 employees and temporary workers crossed their arms, and they also held a picket this morning from 10:30 to 11:30.

The protest was sparked by the dismissal of one of their colleagues who was “caught” with a sweet, a zeppola, in his hand, “taken - say Mirela Koroveshi of Filcams Cgil and Matteo Fabbri of Fisascat Cisl - from an already opened box that was located on the returns pallet, an area that the worker was tasked with tidying up. The zeppola was immediately put back in its place”.

The unions, who speak of "illegal dismissal", attack: "In a warehouse where food is handled , it has become a crime to have food in your hand and then put it away. The dismissal was imposed for an alleged crime of misappropriation/theft , not clearly qualified and/or supported in the absence of evidence or existence of a crime, but of mere suppositions, as in fact stated in the relative disciplinary letter".

(Online Union)

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