The soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza of Cagliari and Naples , on the orders of the investigating magistrates of the Sardinian and Campania capitals, have executed precautionary custody orders and preventive seizure decrees against 8 people seriously suspected of criminal association crimes, money laundering, self-laundering and fictitious registration of assets, aggravated by transnationality.

«The measures - explain the investigators - constitute the epilogue of complex investigations carried out within the framework of a Joint Investigation Team - coordinated by Eurojust - which have made it possible to hypothesize the existence of an association promoted and directed among others by a person from Campania with a clean criminal record, permanently resident in Germany with his family unit who, through a foreign company registered in the name of his wife and with the collaboration of his daughter, allegedly carried out multiple and complex operations of laundering the proceeds of criminal activities , in particular through the purchase and sale of luxury cars ( Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini, Audi, etc.) fictitiously registered , and for the use of which he would have stipulated fictitious long-term rental contracts with wealthy individuals or with criminals from organized crime in Campania".

In this way, the investigators continue, «the German company's customers were offered a real "shielding" service aimed at concealing the ownership of high-value goods and evading the application of seizures and prevention measures. To obtain customers, the promoters of the association also made use of the intermediation of the owners of a company in Marano di Napoli (actually a secondary office of the German company), one of whom had already been definitively convicted of Camorra-style criminal association ».

The investigation started from a previous investigation by the Cagliari Flying Squad «against a criminal group led by Sardinian and Campanian subjects dedicated to the marketing in Sardinia of tons of drugs (hashish) coming from Campania , which led to the ruling of definitive sentences of conviction of the associates and the confiscation of the proceeds of trafficking with the attack of assets for over 20 million euros, carried out by the financiers of the Sardinian capital".

«The subsequent investigations into the laundering of large sums deriving from drug trafficking through the purchase of luxury cars and motorbikes fictitiously registered to third parties , also corroborated by investigations by the Stuttgart Customs Police, have now resulted – concludes the note from the Fiamme Gialle - the adoption of restrictive measures for eight suspects ( six sent to prison and two under house arrest ), the preventive seizure of the German company involved in the illicit activity and the related business complex consisting of 9 properties, 132 vehicles and financial resources for a total value of over 4.2 million euros ".


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