A table in Piazza del Popolo in Rome with four chairs: the first reserved for the Pope, chairs for Mario Draghi, Russia, the USA and the European Community.

Stefano Puzzer, the Trieste port at the head of the No Green Pass movement renamed “People like us - Fvg”, had announced a “striking gesture”. And here he is, alone, waiting for someone to come and talk to him in his little garrison.

"Hello everyone, I am in Piazza del Popolo in Rome and now I will sit on this table where I will wait for someone to come and talk to us - he announced by posting a video on Facebook -. I hope they will come, since no one has answered. here. Come on guys I'm here ".

It is likely that he will stay there for a long time, but the prospect does not seem to scare him: "Until someone comes to answer me I will stay here".

STOP TO THE EVENTS - Just yesterday the prefect of Trieste Valerio Valenti announced that in Piazza Unità d'Italia it will no longer be possible to hold demonstrations until the end of the year and there will be sanctions for those who transgress. The goal is to stem the growth of Covid-19 infections: in the Friulian capital there is the largest cluster in the region (93 cases), all linked to the anti-Green pass demonstrations that were held over several days.

"Enough nonsense! - the warning of Massimiliano Fedriga, president of Friuli Venezia Giulia -. People do not care because some clown goes to tell lies and scare citizens. The vaccine is there, it works and has very few contraindications". "We cannot go back to months ago" and we must stop "doing damage to the health and economy of this area". The vaccine, "I say clearly, is not experimental," he concluded.

(Unioneonline / D)

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