Luca Morisi gave "full availability to clarify all aspects of the affair", which involves him, in "full conviction of the criminal irrelevance of his conduct", as "he never owned the bottle containing the liquid object of the investigations".

These are the words of Fabio Pinelli, lawyer of the former social manager of the League and spin doctor of Matteo Salvini, involved in a drug investigation in Verona .

The lawyer also explained that "at present no 'fourth man' is involved and, on the contrary, from the documents in the legitimate availability of the defense, only one additional person in addition to Morisi is being investigated".

THE DETECTORS - There is talk of a person of Romanian nationality, but the prosecutor of Verona Angela Barbaglio denies the indiscretion, stating that "there is currently no second suspect" and that, indeed, "absolutely, the only suspect is Luca Morisi, no one else for this procedure ".

Meanwhile, analyzes are proceeding on the chemical composition of the "liquid" drug under investigation, which began last August from the story of two young people.

THE STORY - One of them, a 20-year-old Romanian, reported in some interviews what would happen last summer during the meeting with Morisi. “That night destroyed my life,” he explained. “There were three of us in the farmhouse - added the young man, who is now returning home - with me also a friend of mine, we were contacted via the web. I am a model but out of necessity I also do an escort. The fee was 4 thousand euros for one day. At one point I felt very ill because of the substances I took, I ran away from the house and called the carabinieri. "As for the drug:" I didn't bring it, "confirmed the young man.

THE FAMILY - In these hours the family of Morisi also commented on the story, who made it known: "No violence, no constraint, no certainty about the origin of the bottle with the liquid, no fourth man: the words of the young man interviewed by some newspapers confirm that Luca Morisi has not committed any crimes and is now the victim of a voyeur media campaign and gossip from a boy looking for publicity or easy money ".

(Unioneonline / lf)

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