The families of the victims of the Moby Prince were heard today by the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the disaster of 10 April 1991. The bitterness of the associations: "we would like the missing answers to finally arrive". The third commission of inquiry is chaired by the Sardinian Forza Italia deputy Pietro Pittalis. Luchino Chessa and Nicola Rosetti, presidents of the 10 April association and the 140 association, return to the commission of inquiry, the third, to ask for justice.

On behalf of the families of the 140 victims they ask to reconstruct once and for all the ''historical truth'' of the tragedy. Which passes through questions that remain open, misdirections and the suspicion that "something had to be covered up".

Chessa, son of the commander of the Moby, leaves for the rescue. «Why were they diverted to the Agip Abruzzo tanker and no one thought about the Moby Prince? Why has it been 90 minutes since the ferry was identified? Why didn't the Captaincy command save the people who were still alive, and not dead within 20-30 minutes, as supported by the expert report of the first trial?". For the associations this is the last opportunity to complete the work done by Parliament. According to Chessa, the first point is "to clarify why there was immediate talk of human error and why the activities of Agip Abruzzo while it was in the Livorno harbor were not ascertained".

The phases of the tragic collision between the ferry bound for Olbia and the oil tanker are still largely to be reconstructed. For Chessa and Rosetti, the mystery of the vessel that obstructed the Moby Prince's route remains: why was it near the tanker and for what? In February the associations had asked the President of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana to start the work of the third Commission, voted unanimously in October. The works of the previous two had opened - for Chessa and Rosetti - "important glimpses of truth" on the tragedy. Now the last step is missing: «We don't want to leave this battle – say the presidents of the associations – to our children and grandchildren».

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