In Milan , a group of activists threw 8 kg of flour on the BMW decorated by Andy Warhol . The work is one of the spearheads of the exhibition “Andy Warhol. The publicity of the form” underway at the Fabbrica del Vapore .

This is the latest action by a group in support of the "Last Generation" campaign, to sound the alarm about the ongoing climate crisis .

This morning, around 11, the activists poured the contents of some sacks of flour on the artist's work . Soon after, two of them glued themselves to the car windows , while the rest of the group blew up paint-filled balloons on the ground and "glued" themselves to the floor .

«They paid for the ticket and had the bags of flour in their pockets. They sprinkled the car with flour completely. It is an important piece, which was on display for the first time and has a great value, around 10 million. Now we have to figure out what to do», explained the producer of the exhibition Stefano Lacagnina. “At the moment – he added – we are closed. The police station is identifying those responsible ».


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